DOB: 9/24/05
1. His smile, it makes me smile...dimples and all...he is a happy boy!
2. That he loves to say his prayers and get exactly 5 kisses everynight at bedtime.
3. That he is always aware of Connor and can't stand it when Connor is asleep and not up playing with him. As much as they can fight, they LOVE each other!
4. He loves planes, trains, diggers, trucks, blimps, bombers, etc., He can name them all and is so smart. He loves to read or rather have us read to him...all his books are very well loved and worn.
5. I love that he wants to be a "big boy" and dresses himself, and wants to try things on his own and be independent. Some days I love his independence, other days, well it can be a struggle. ;)
6. He is my thinker, he likes to negotiate everything...I think sometimes am I really having this conversation with a 4 yr old.
7. He loves visiting his grandparents, he loves playing in the garden and picking veggies, I love that he eats carrots fresh from the garden, and I love finding his diggers in the rows. He loves getting rides on Grandpa's tractor, watering the plants, helping work on the scouts or harleys.
8. His favorites are orange cream soda, chocolate pudding, glow worm candies, waffles, peanut butter and jelly, mac and cheese, chocolate milk shakes, eggs, bacon, bananas, tangelos, cheese pizza, grilled cheese, steak and all kinds of berries!
9. I love his imagination and how he involves Connor in everything. He often tells Connor that he is his best friend...I hope that never changes! :)
10. He thinks all animals and bugs are "beautiful creatures", Connor tries to stomp them to death while Preston is trying to save them. They often take their flashlights out in the yard at night to look for slugs. They hold their flashlights to their bums and say their "lightning bugs."
11. Most of all I love that he tells Jim and I that we are his best friends too...I know this will change...but its pretty special now!
DOB: 10/6/2007
1. He has the best sense of humor, he always does something silly and then says "Connor funny"!
2. He is a pleaser, whether he is trying to help me with chores or playing with his brother, he tries so hard to make everyone happy and has the biggest smile.
3. He loves Preston! We will give Connor a treat and he will take it straight to Preston to share. He always asks "Where brother at?", and always is thinking of what will make him happy. If Connor has a toy that Preston wants he will say, "Here brother" and promptly hand it to him.
4. He is so smart! He has been potty training all summer and is doing awesome! He has a great vocabulary and is a talker! His favorite movies are Harry Potter, Jurassic Park, and The Polar Express.
5. I love his fine blond hair, it is still so soft and smells so sweet!
6. He is a tough little guy! He will have a good wipe out in the back yard and not let it stop him from having fun and keeping up. Often he will come in with a new scratch, bump, or bruise and will never have said a word about it. His feelings are more hurt with rejection from Preston.
7. He loves to play make believe, he and Preston come up with the best stories together. They love pretending their wizards and cast spells at each other...pretty funny! They also like to pretend their prairie dogs and get in my laundry baskets to watch movies.
8. I love his one dimple on his right cheek when he smiles!
9. He potty trained before his 2 yr birthday!
10. He just started sharing a bedroom with Preston and is in his own "big boy bed".
11. He is a great eater, his favorites are noodles, hot dogs, bananas, tangelos, rasberries, blueberries, strawberries, grapes, french fries, chips, and anything he can dip!
12. Connor is a mama's boy all the way, he loves to cuddle, give kisses, and tells all of us "lub you"!
Preston and Connor are night and day different not just because Preston has brown hair with green eyes and olive skinned and Connor is blond hair with blue eyes and very fair, but its their personalities. They are so much fun...I love all their differences and feel so blessed and grateful that they are mine!