Wednesday, August 13, 2008

New toys and Kelly Canyon

When Jim wanted his YZ450F, I told him if he got a dirt bike then I got an ATV..........................
he made good on his word. I personally would have chosen a dirt bike too, but with the boys we needed a toy that they could ride on. We have been going up to Kelly about once a week to play. Last week (while dad was in town) the three of us went up riding on the dirt bikes. It was such a blast to ride trails with Jim and Dad. My dad brought out a Honda CRF 100 for me, which is perfect. I think it has been about 6 years since I had gone on trails. Jim kept teasing me that I wouldn't be able to keep up, I think I gave him a good run for his money! I had one good wipe out coming down a trail too fast and hit a rut, luckily the bruising goes away quickly. ;) I have to admit I was pretty impressed by Jims riding skills, since this really is his first year riding. When he bought the YZ I thought he might kill himself on it, but he is a natural. I love the mountain and trail riding is definitely one of my favs! The ATV is a blast, we have had so much fun on all the new toys!

(Preston picked out his own helmet, it is red, he already thinks he is a pro)
**I haven't bought my helmet yet, I can't decide between sky blue or Pink! Help me choose!**

Preston has Jims riding gloves on, he LOVES the ATV!!!
A view from the top of a trail, the views are incredible! You can see the snake river winding through the canyon.
Jim on his baby, before he got all his riding gear, now he looks like a pro! We love this trailer.
Jim riding Connor around the camp area, Connor loves riding on the Bikes.

If anyone wants to come up riding with us, we love playing with friends, Chris and Meagan are our riding buddies. Preston is secretly trying to steal Meagan away from Chris,he thinks she is pretty awesome! Jess and Preston playing-Preston is a sucker for a pretty girl!


Jessie said...

Looks like fun! I vote sky blue for sure.

The Thornburgs said...

Thanks Jessie, since your vote is the only one that counts anyway...I went with the sky blue and pink helmet! ;) Thanks!