Ok, so my commitment to blogging didn't go so well since it's been 3 months...shameful! I feel like I manage my time well enough, but seriously there is never enough time for all the things I NEED to do...I never get to sit down until we put the boys to bed (8pm sharp!) by then I am exhuasted! I still haven't figured out when to fit in working out, I do all my pilates, yoga, and weights at night, but cardio?? The boys were getting up between 5:50am-6:10am so to go running before wasn't happening and I value my sleep too much. Then at night I value my time with Jim too much so yea...what do ya do?! Of course you have to fit in working on my stocking orders, doing the books for Creekside Cottages, cleaning, cooking, yard work, field trips, homework, callings, FHE, etc., etc., etc,.
I am attempting to blog my week and not individual events...so here is a recap on my week 5/22-5/28.

Sunday: Church 9-12, Jim and I team teach the 16-17 yr olds, Brody was sick so I stayed home and Jim took the 2 older boys. Jim grilled Chicken for the family, she took naps, it was a nice quiet day.

Monday: Dropped Preston off at school at 9am, picked up the Sister missionaries at 9:25am. Sean and I took the missionaries to Punchbowl Falls. I drove Sister Willmore and Sister Todd, Sean drove 4 Elders from their district, and another 4 Elders met us there. It was overcast but never rained, it was a beautiful hike! Sister Willmore and Sister Todd are so much fun, I can't wait for them to come visit after their mission. Sean treated everyone to Ozzies for Gyros. We are trying to have a reverent FHE...yea.

Tuesday: Grocery shopping, Costco, bank, gas, and Dr. Ames for Brody's cold at 10:45am, he has a sinus infection poor guy, he is taking a pretty hefty anti-biotic. He has been so fussy and miserable. Tuesdays are Jim's late day he has school from 7:30am-9:30pm so it is a long day! I usually do pizza for the kids and try to make it a fun day...naps are required to survive!
Wednesday: Preston has school at 9, needs picked up at noon. Laundry, vacuum, dust, and organice the boys rooms and toys.
Thursday: Nikki needed me to watch Ashton at 9am while she had LHR done, then she was taking my Grandma Leta to look at Apartments (she just sold her home and was looking into living at a 55+ community). So I entertained 4 boys for 8 hours...luckily I coordinated naptime and got a break too. Also I had a guy come out to spray for spring bugs (ants, spiders and slugs). clean bathrooms and finish laundry.
Friday: Connor has begged and begged to see the Dinosaur exhibit at the Oregon zoo, it opened today!! We loaded up and said a quick prayer that it wouldn't rain just long enough for us to enjoy the Dinosaurs. My goal was to arrive when the gate opened we got there at 9:15...so the lines were horrible. We had a great time, the boys were perfect and loved the Dinosaurs. We made it through the lions, and as we were leaving the Serengeti the downpour came....luckily we were mostly prepared. It was fun running from one covered area to the next the boys thought it was a great adventure and boys LOVE jumping in mud puddles! Needless to say by the time we got to the bats they were exhausted, I loaded them all up on my single stroller and jogged to the truck...I wanted to die thats long job in the pouring rain...but it was fun. We got Mint oreo shakes on the way home, enjoyed naps, and had a yummy roast for dinner.
Saturday: Jim had to write a paper and spent the day at the school so we headed off to Aunt Nikki's for the day. Nikki cut Brody's hair, he is sooo handsome, and we played. Jim grilled steak and chicken for dinner....so delish!