Sunday, June 1, 2008

Poop ended the day....

Yesterday was a long and fun filled day. We started with taking the boys to Bear World it was a great day to go. All the animals were out and very active. One of the deer in the petting zoo had just had triplets that morning. They wouldn't let anyone near the fawns, so no pics, but they were so adorable and little. They have deer, chickens, geese, turkeys, ducks, goats, peacocks, and a huge pig in the petting zoo. We were having a great time until....

Black Bears were playing.

I loved this goat he was so cute!

He is a funny, snorting, gross feeling pig!

Yes, he does have his finger out going for the chicken poop! Before we could stop him he had it on his finger and had wiped it off on his sweatshirt, a big ole nasty green blob on his sweatshirt, of course I freaked...we quickly found a sink but that ended our trip at Bear World.

The day was still great, we worked in the yard, BBQ'd with Chris and Meagan, got ice cream cones, and watched the firework show!

1 comment:

Kelly said...

I love Bear World. Your pictures turned out great!