Saturday, April 10, 2010

Viola my 1st furniture project!

So a few months ago I blogged about Craigslist and the abundance of amazing antique furniture. I searched Craigslist daily for the right pieces for our bedroom and found 2 dressers. This being one of them... I have a great love of wood, and really wanted to restore this piece and not paint. Having no experience with antiques I read and read and researched and decided to strip the piece. I stripped one side, which was messy, time consuming and annoying. I got frusterated and thought okay I will just paint them and give up on the idea of restaining and restoring. So I bought the primer, brushes, paint, poly and couldn't bring myself to primer it...every part of me just fought the idea of painting hardwood. So I grabbed my palm sander and went to town. I thought okay I will give it one more go and if sanding doesn't work I will paint it... The sanding worked out perfectly...and was so much quicker! I wanted them dark so I chose MinWax Ebony and started to restain my naked wood..

I applied 2 coats of MinWax Eboy...then after letting it dry for a week I applied 3 coats of wipe-on poly...and VIOLA here she is...

I couldn't be happier with how she turned out! I have a new love...

1 comment:

Sarah said...

Man, oh, man- GORGEOUS!! I think the stain you picked is a winner- much better than the original color. And that hardware- gah! SUCH a fantastic piece!! Nice job!